Monday, August 1, 2016

Foods You Should Avoid to Stay Healthy

If you are looking to stay healthy, keep the fat off and live a full and meaningful life, then there are really certain foods you should consider cutting out completely from your diet. When most people hear that they need to "cut out" certain foods from their diet they get defensive and think -"well I just might as well not eat at all!" - well this isn't true. You can still eat like a king or queen and have a healthy, low-fat body. Its simple and all you need to do is really try your hardest to stay away from these foods.


1) Soda

Soda is arguable one of the worst drinks that you can consume in terms of body healthy and body fat. Soda will tack on the pounds like no other drink or food for that matter. The reason being is that sodas are just so easy to drink 3 or 4 or even 5 without thinking anything. As many as 3 sodas is roughly 400 calories - that's a lot of calories just for drinking a tasty beverage.

2) Fast Food

The biggest issue here is that fast food is full of saturated fat and other nasty toxins that are not going to help your body stay healthy at all. It is really easy to go to a fast food restaurant and consume 800-1000 calories. You can see how this might be a really bad thing especially if you are trying to keep the fat off of your body.

3) Desserts

If you are really trying to stay healthy and lose weight you need to get a firm grasp of your self-control. Just like every other unhealthy foods out there - they are so easy to eat because they taste so good. I personally struggle with this one so much. If I am hungry and walk down into the kitchen to find a batch of brownies or a bag of cookies, or perhaps my favorite sweet treat of all time: ice cream. I know I'm in trouble there's a good chance that I am about to turn on the switch that's going to make me consume roughly 900 calories of unhealthy food. You need to find something instead of these treats to fill your hunger.

The best thing you can do is to eat something light and healthy like a piece of fruit, a quick salad with a low-fat and low-calorie dressing (or if you are really dedicated no dressing at all!) or maybe a bowl of plain oatmeal can suffice your hunger for a little while.

The harsh reality of losing fat, staying healthy and skinny is that you really can't eat these bad foods every day - now that's not to say that you can't stay healthy and have foods like this every once in a while, but for the most part you need to try your hardest to avoid these bad foods - the biggest tip you can adhere to is this: Eat something else. That is the biggest key to staying healthy and losing weight. Don't let yourself go, have self-control, and stay motivated!

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Saturday, July 23, 2016

Best Fat Burning Workouts - Top 3 Exercises That Burn Maximum Fat

The best fat burning exercises are those that increase the heart rate. When we are short of breadth and breathe hard, the body releases a powerful hormone called HGH. This hormone prompts fat burning. Until this hormone is activated in the body, stubborn fat is difficult to burn. HGH is extremely important if we want to lose weight and have a great body. To ensure excessive release of HGH the following is recommended:

Fat Burning Workouts

o Do workouts on an empty stomach which means no food or water at least 3-4 hours before working out.

o Do not eat anything for at least 2 hours after a work out.

It is extremely difficult visiting the gym everyday, given our hectic life-styles and lack of time. It is not important to exercise for hours in order to lose weight. One can lose weight even by working out just 3-4 times a week for an hour each.

To burn fat quickly and effectively it is imperative to increase the metabolic rate so that the body burns up more calories. Metabolic rate can be increased by having beans, nuts, biter gourd and other diet supplements. However, the following exercises are very effective metabolic boosters and fat burners.

Interval exercise:

Warm up by jogging gently for 5 minutes. Then intensify the exercise by sprinting for 1 minute at a high speed. The lower the speed, and sprint for 2 minutes at medium speed. Repeat this cycle five times, by again sprinting at a high speed for 1 minute and then at medium speed for 2 minutes. Finally do a slow jog for 5 minutes to cool-down

Body weight training:

Do squats by standing with your feet hip-width apart, toes facing slightly outward or straight. Keep your back straight. Slowly bend the knees and lower hips towards the floor Repeat 8 -10 times.

Cardio exercise:

Work out on the tread mill. Start by walking, then running and finally jogging on it.

Finally, remember that your body starts getting used to these exercises. Therefore it is important to increase the counts and intensity, for the body to sweat-out, in order for HGH to be released, which is essential for fat burn.

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Sunday, July 17, 2016

Lose Weight Quickly by Eating Right and Exercising

No amount of fancy diet food and/or supplements can give you the benefits of a good workout and proper food. That is because your body is naturally accustomed to use up the food it gets in performing the everyday tasks that you do. However, when you become sedentary and cease to have an active lifestyle, it can seriously affect your health. This is when you stop getting your daily dose of exercise and hence you lose out on the benefits that your body is used to getting. This is the perfect recipe for you to start gaining weight and if you are reading this article; it is possible that you have already started gaining weight.

Lose Weight Quickly

So if you are looking around for quick ways to lose weight, let me tell you that none of these fancy diets will work for you. You need to make your body capable of handling the fast by itself and starvation is never an answer. In fact, if your body thinks that it is going through a famine situation, something called the famine syndrome will kick in. This is when the body starts to gather more fat than usual so that you have energy reserves for using if continuing not getting food. This is a natural defense mechanism but it completely baffles people when they see that despite eating less, they are gaining weight faster than before.

Don't let this happen to you; eat as much as you think you need. Do not eat till you are stuffed. Rather, eat till you are hungry no more. The best things to eat are natural products. So make yourself a large, raw salad everyday and you can eat as much as you want. You can also create a delicious fruit salad for yourself every morning and have a hearty breakfast with it. Use home made yoghurt with it instead of cream. Yoghurt contains lots of protein, which is good for muscle growth.

If you are just starting out, try out some weights to find out the intensity level that you should be working out with. With the weights, try a set with repetitions of 8. If you find that you are doing more than 8 repetitions, you can add more weights. But if you find that you can't even hit 8 repetitions, then you need to reduce the weight.

Intensity is a key factor here. Dancing and aerobic related exercises are good for fun and leisure, but they don't help you to build strength and muscles. You need to have lean muscle mass so that you can supercharge your metabolism rate and burn off the excess fat in your body. Only then will you be to achieve long term results.

If nothing is helping, you need to see a fitness expert and get professional advice on what you should do. You can then take up the custom exercise program that your fitness coach creates for you and hit the gym. Sometimes, it is also possible to carry small gym equipment like small dumb-bells and hand presses to everywhere you go. This way you can keep up with your routine no matter where you go. You can also buy home gym equipment have a good work out within the comfort of your home.

Don't find excuses to skip your exercises. Nothing should be more important than your health. Eat right, exercise regularly and soon you will be on your way to your ideal weight and shape.

Article Source:

Monday, May 30, 2016

What Are the Benefits of Staying Fit

Staying fit is considered a normal part of everyday life and is hugely significant to the quality of your life. When you're fit you feel better about yourself and this translates to a countless of optimistic changes in your life. It is a way of life and routine gym work outs do not cut it in the field. It maybe hard, but it's possible with good information and support.

Staying Fit

Keeping fit is a lifestyle and a long term mind set and being physically fit helps your body and your mind. It is important to your physical health, and not having everyone around you laugh at you is important to your mental health.

And if you are a scholar, staying fit is an important part of your college experience. Because maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential while dealing with the stress of college and does help in refreshing your brain to be study more. But apart from that, staying fit is necessary for people of all ages. Whether you are at the age of 20 or at the age of 50, staying fit is necessary.

Every knows that staying fit is not a cake walk, it requires lots of commitment and hard work. But on the other hand we all know that health is super important in today's world. It is also about eating healthy too, which is why you will see so many people with a big bottle of water and munching on insanely healthy things like raw carrots, celery, oat cakes and bananas.

It is always a challenge when you want to stay in shape, but personal fitness instructors make it fun and rigorous. So whether you are looking to loose weight, improve muscle tone or just get in shape personal instructors can and will help you. But basically staying fit is 90% about motivation- if personal trainers make exercise interesting enough to provide that motivation, then what's the problem?

Being fit is all about eating healthfully (and we all know what that is - low fat, low calorie, lots of veggies, fiber and lean protein) and exercising regularly. Diet books and trainers can't say anything more than that. If jogging were the only way to stay in shape, then there wouldn't be gyms, treadmills, boflex, and any number of other things that people spend money on. Keeping fit is enjoyable and it creates opportunities for friendship, so get your mind set right and you will reach your goals.

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