The best fat burning exercises are those that increase the heart rate. When we are short of breadth and breathe hard, the body releases a powerful hormone called HGH. This hormone prompts fat burning. Until this hormone is activated in the body, stubborn fat is difficult to burn. HGH is extremely important if we want to lose weight and have a great body. To ensure excessive release of HGH the following is recommended:
o Do workouts on an empty stomach which means no food or water at least 3-4 hours before working out.
o Do not eat anything for at least 2 hours after a work out.
It is extremely difficult visiting the gym everyday, given our hectic life-styles and lack of time. It is not important to exercise for hours in order to lose weight. One can lose weight even by working out just 3-4 times a week for an hour each.
To burn fat quickly and effectively it is imperative to increase the metabolic rate so that the body burns up more calories. Metabolic rate can be increased by having beans, nuts, biter gourd and other diet supplements. However, the following exercises are very effective metabolic boosters and fat burners.
Interval exercise:
Warm up by jogging gently for 5 minutes. Then intensify the exercise by sprinting for 1 minute at a high speed. The lower the speed, and sprint for 2 minutes at medium speed. Repeat this cycle five times, by again sprinting at a high speed for 1 minute and then at medium speed for 2 minutes. Finally do a slow jog for 5 minutes to cool-down
Body weight training:
Do squats by standing with your feet hip-width apart, toes facing slightly outward or straight. Keep your back straight. Slowly bend the knees and lower hips towards the floor Repeat 8 -10 times.
Cardio exercise:
Work out on the tread mill. Start by walking, then running and finally jogging on it.
Finally, remember that your body starts getting used to these exercises. Therefore it is important to increase the counts and intensity, for the body to sweat-out, in order for HGH to be released, which is essential for fat burn.